An Interview with Luiz Borges of the Podcast Cachaça Prosa e Viola

An Interview with Luiz Borges of the Podcast Cachaça Prosa e Viola

Luiz Borges has turned his passion for country music and cachaça into one of the most interesting podcasts in the cachaça realm. I had the opportunity to do the podcast a little over a year ago. It was my first time talking about cachaça, but Luiz pulled out a great conversation.

Cachaça Prosa e Viola has become a great success, thanks to Luiz's passion, knowledge, and inquisitive mind. You can listen to the podcast and find out more about Luiz here:


1.     Can you tell me who you are and a little bit about your background?

I am Luiz Borges, a native of Brasilia, born in 1979. I’m the son of a Piauí native from Ipiranga and a native of Minas Gerais from Abaeté. I’m a married, father of four children. I’m also an IT analyst by profession, country guitar player, singer, cachaceiro and podcaster by passion.


2.     You started a podcast that highlights three of your passions: cachaça, music and writing. When did you decide to start it and what motivated you?

I am passionate about country music and not an expert on the subject. So, to avoid taking the risk of talking a lot of nonsense, I created an interview program format with experts or, as a good Brazilian hick likes to say, a conversation. At that same time I got a crack in my head, an insight - since the format will be prose about caipira (country) guitar music, why not do these prose, around a table, wetting the words with tasty Cachaça?

Especially because, when we are here at home, with friends, chatting and playing the guitar, cachaça has been present since the days of my late grandfather Chico and my late father, João Luiz. Ready! The virtuous circle was formed: A conversation on Viola Caipira guitar, while savoring Cachaça, or else, a conversation on Cachaça, to the sound of the good old Caipira guitar.


3.     How many podcast episodes have you done?

So far there are 52 (fifty-two) episodes.


4.     What are some of the most interesting things you learned from making your podcast?

The thing that I find most fascinating in the production and presentation of a podcast is that with each episode I learn something. Over time, the main thing I learned was: listen more. At Cachaça, Prosa & Viola I like to hear each person’s life stories. And each story has a lesson for me. In relation to cachaça, I have learned a lot about the production chain and in relation to  country guitar, I see how rich our music is.


5.     What are the most surprising things you heard on your podcast?

A story that meant a lot was that of the producers of Weber Haus Cachaça. There they say that their German ancestors arrived in Brazil, before the country became a Republic, only with the clothes on their backs, a machete and a lot of desire to work. And out of nowhere, they built their family and various businesses. It’s A great life story.


6.     As a musician, do you think there is a type of music for drinking cachaça that is better than others?

As a guitar player, I like to appreciate cachaça to the sound of the good old-fashioned country music, but each moment calls for a different song, just as each moment calls for a different cachaça. The interesting thing about all this is having the wisdom to harmonize the moment, the music and the cachaça.


7.     Are you drinking any type of cachaça at the moment, aged in wood or branded?

At the moment I am in love with the cachaças stored in Amburana.


8.     Do you have any plans to quit your daily job and dedicate yourself full time to the podcast?

Today I see no need to abandon the job of IT Analyst. I learned a lot about time management and, with a lot of discipline and a well-defined routine, I manage to do both in parallel. But thinking about a retirement plan, for sure the podcast and the music will be activities that I will continue to do.


9.     What advice would you give to anyone interested in starting a podcast?

Choose the theme of the podcast, have discipline and maintain the proposed frequency. If you can publish one episode a month, whatever happens, publish it.


10.  How do you see your podcast and your work with cachaça in five years? Do you think you will still be doing this or will you be in another venture?

In five years I see the podcast much more solid, with a more robust technical structure, reaching even more listeners, taking Cachaça and Prose and Viola to other levels. The podcast opens the door to many other ventures, I have some planned and soon we will have news. Wait for it!

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